Section 504 Plans
An Overview of Section 504 Plans
Children with special needs under Section 504 are entitled to a plan for accommodations, typically referred to as a 504 plan. In practice they are similar to IEPs in that both provide a plan and accommodations for the child. The principal difference is that for a child to be under Section 504 their disabilities shouldn't impede their ability to make progress in the general education program once accommodations are in place. For example a child who is in a wheelchair might require an environment accommodations in the form of ramps, but otherwise might be able to participate normally in the general classroom.
In practice this means that accommodations will typically focus on environmental accommodations, in-classroom support and services and so forth, but will not in most cases include modifications to the general education instruction itself.
Some examples of accommodations that could be included in a 504 include
Accommodations for testing such as extra time
Guidance or requirements specific to the teacher, such as asking for a separate review of concepts
Environment changes, such always sitting in front of the class, being allowed to type instead of writing long-hand, or assistive technology
Additional resources such as organizers or lesson outlines
A management plan for serious food allergies
The main difference between an IEP and 504 plan is that 504 plans don't have the same procedural safeguards and protections.
While most schools look for it, parental sign-off and approval isn't required under federal law
Plans only need to be reviewed periodically so there isn't the same requirement for schools to review and update annually though most do
Discipline protections are similar but there is no protection for keeping services in place
In the case of a dispute there aren't the same "stay put" safeguards that freeze services in place until the dispute is resolved
504 plans generally don't cover transition planning
Both IEPs and 504 Plans offer similar options for dispute resolution in Massachusetts including mediation and appeals. For information see Understanding the Dispute Process
Related Topics
The topics below relate to both 504 plans and IEPs.
Foundations for Effective Collaboration
For more information
The resources below provide more information on 504 plans. One note of caution reading these is that many cover what's required under the federal law, which may differ from Massachusetts law and what happens in practice. For example not all states offer mediation for 504 plans, but Massachusetts does. Similarly 504 plans might not require parental sign-off but in practice many schools ask for this including Reading.
Town of Reading
504 Coordinators - List of 504 Coordinators for the different schools within Reading
Official Resources
Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools - US Department of Education
Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act - Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Questions and Answers - Office for Civil Rights
General Resources
What is a 504 Plan -
Understanding the Differences Between IDEA and Section 504 - Teaching Exceptional Children
An Overview of IDEA and Section 504 - LD Online
The difference between IEPs and 504 plans -
Key Differences Between Section 504 and IDEA - Wrightslaw
How is an IEP different from a 504 Plan? - PPAL
504 Plans/Individual Accommodation Plans - Children's Law Center of Massachusetts
A parent’s guide to Section 504 in public schools -
My Child with a 504 Plan is Failing, School Won't Help: Your Eligibility Game Plan - Wrightslaw
Can a Student With a 504 Plan Get a Transition Plan? -
IEP or 504 Plan: What difference does it make? - SPEDWatch
What’s Your 504 IQ? - Wrightslaw
Please note that we at Reading SEPAC cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information presented on any third-party website listed on this site, nor do we endorse any informational content appearing on third-party websites of any of the providers listed. We endeavor only to provide a listing of potentially helpful information available. Its up to you, as a consumer, to do your own diligence and research. Also note that any summarization of the laws, rules, regulations, processes or similar related to special education, or advice proffered is based exclusively on the experience of Reading SEPAC members as parents of children with special needs. Its in no way an official reflection of the position of the FCSA or the Reading School system and we make no claims of expertise in communication, law, education or any other areas. While we have endeavored to provide simple-to-read language for parents, we are not experts, do not claim to be, and make no warranties or claims of accuracy related to the informational content of this website.