Welcome to Reading SEPAC
Welcome to the Reading Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC). We are a group of parents who foster a community in Reading for children with an array of special needs and their caregivers, and who help advise the Reading Massachusetts School district on children with disabilities.
Here you will find many resources to help you as a parent or caregiver of a child with special needs, along with details on upcoming social gatherings, informational meetings and more.
Please contact us at SEPACReading@gmail.com if you are interested in joining Reading SEPAC's e-mail list, would like to learn more, or have a question or concern. You can also follow us on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SEPAC.Reading/ and instagram at https://www.instagram.com/ReadingSEPAC
Communication Form:
We are always here to hear your thoughts, concerns, accolades, and more. Use this form to let us know what's going on. All comments are confidential and will not be shared.
What's New?
Special Education Budget Review and SEPAC Business Meeting:
Wed, March 19th, 7pm (Online)
Philip Littlehale, Interim Director of Finance and Operations, will be presenting the Special Education Budget at the next SEPAC business meeting.
Changes between the 2024/25 and 2025/26 Special Education Budget
Special Education Budget funding priorities for the next school year
Opportunity for parents to ask questions
If you attend only one SEPAC business meeting this year, this would be the one!
Additionally, Student Services will be available to answer your questions regarding the changes in Special Education or other special education related questions you may have.
Registration will be required to receive the zoom link for the business meeting and to submit questions anonymously to both Student Services and Phil Littlehale in advance.
Register for the Reading SEPAC Business meeting and Special Education Budget Review.
FCSN Workshop - Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Wednesday, March 26nd, 7pm (Virtual)
Social-emotional learning is the process of developing the self awareness, self control, and interpersonal skills that are vital for school, work, and life success.
Join us for an informative online workshop with The Federation for Children with Special Needs (FCSN).
Click here to register for the Social Emotional Learning Workshop
Registration required to receive the zoom link for the workshop.
Wachusett Mountain Meetup
Monday, March 10th
Teacher Inservice is coming up on March 10 (Mon) where students have no school. Why not grab the family and join us for an informal winter meetup at nearby Wachusett Mountain (About 1-hr drive from Reading). You won't have to worry about finding a table for everyone to relax and eat after a day on the slopes. We have taken care of reserving a private lounge just for Reading SEPAC to hang out. Drop by anytime between 8:30-3pm.
Please note, no outside food or beverages can be consumed inside the lounge. Use of the Wachusett Mountain lounge requires us to order from their catering menu for each attendee. We kindly ask for a suggested donation of $20 per person to help chip in to offset a portion of the cost for the catered breakfast and lunch (we will fundraise for the rest). An ala carte menu will also be available all day if you would like to order additional snacks, food, or beverages. If you are experiencing financial hardship we still want you to come; just email us so we have an accurate headcount.
General parking is free and there are several handicap parking spaces available. If you would like to guarantee parking in the upper lot, please pre-reserve a VIP parking space through Wachusett’s website (See Wachusett Visitor Guide). Please note, all snow recreational sports, private or group lessons, VIP parking, upgraded menus, bar tabs, or other services & activities are at your own expense.
RSVP for our Winter Meetup using this link;
Deadline to RSVP is February 23, 2025 (Sun);
Suggested donation of $20 per person;
Email Wachusett Mountain (adaptive@wachusett.com) if you are interested in learning more about their adaptive lessons and would like to schedule personalized sessions for your children.

Learn More About SEPAC
2024-2025 Calendar
Dates/times/locations subject to change. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow social media for updates.
Lynn Lyons: Tackling the Patterns of Anxiety, Depression and Avoidance - Wednesday, Sept 18, 6pm
Family Leadership Program Open for Applications - Friday, Sept 20 Deadline
Team Chair Meet & Greet - Wednesday, Sept 25, 9am
SEPAC Booth at the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival - Location: Reading Public Library - Saturday, Sept 28th, 12-3:30pm
SEPAC Fall Foliage Walk - Saturday, Reading Town Forest with the Reading Trails Committee - October 5, 10-12pm (rain date October 26)
SEPAC Movie Night “The Right to Read” - Performing Arts Center at RMHS - Wednesday, October 2, 6pm
Sarah Ward: The 360 Thinking Model - Virtual - October 23, 6pm
SEPAC Business Meeting and Elections - October 30, 6pm
SEPAC Submission for Festival of Trees - December
SEPAC Business Meeting - December 18
FCSN Workshop: Understanding the IEP - January 22
Building Literacy Success for Every Student - February 26
FCSN Workshop: Social Emotional Learning - March 26
SEPAC Wachusetts Mountain Meetup - Monday, March 10, 2025 8:30am-3pm